Officers & Board of Directors
Elected May 30, 2024
James Wolf, President (Wyman Park)
Emily Jagusch, Vice President (Roland Park)
Amy Johanson, VP for Membership and Development (Evergreen)
David Macfarlane, Treasurer (Wyman Park)
Janet Felsten, Secretary (Roland Park)
Resource Development Committee
Sandy Sparks, Chair
Communications & Outreach Committee
Amy Johanson, Chair
Maintenance & Stewardship Committee​
Craig Huntley & Glenn Carey, Co-Chairs
Planting Advisory & Habitat Restoration Committee​
Anching Tang & Ben Schott , Co-Chairs
Education Committee
Emily Jagusch, Chair
David Belew (Remington)
Glenn Carey (Homeland)
Jon Constable (Seawall Development)
Eric Elton (Tuscany-Canterbury)
Chase Hoffberger (Roland Park)
David Lantz (Hampden)
Kelly Lindow (Rolden)
Ben Schott (Wyman Park)
James Stevenson (Keswick)
Anching Tang (Hampden)
Peter Wayner (Wyndhurst)
Nate White (JHU, Ex-Officio)
Josh Ratner (Friends School, Ex-Officio)
Brittany Winchester (Remington)
Emeritus Board Members
- Elaine Doyle-Gillespie (Hampden)
- Tom Gamper (Charles Village)
- Alice Greely-Nelson (Stone Hill)
- Craig Huntley (Heathbrook)
Sandy Sparks (Charles Village)
Friends of Stony Run is a collaboration across more than 15 neighborhoods in north Baltimore City.​
Roland Park
Stone Hill
The Orchards
Wyman Park
Wyman Park South
Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus
Our Partners

Baltimore Weed Warriors is a city-wide program that was developed to maintain the health of Baltimore’s urban forest. Certified Weed Warriors are environmental stewards trained in non-native invasive (NNI) plant management; they host volunteer events in parks all around the city to help protect trees, people, and biodiversity.

​The Baltimore Area Council (BAC) is an independent not-for-profit entity responsible for delivering Scouting programs to young people in Baltimore City and the five surrounding counties.
Although supported with resources from the Boy Scouts of America National Office, the BAC is governed by a local board of directors and has its own bank accounts, investments and assets such as Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation and the Schapiro Scout Service Center. The council delivers the Scouting program through dedicated volunteer leadership in our 12 districts throughout Central Maryland.

The Johns Hopkins President’s Day of Service is an annual one-day community service event held in the fall. Undergraduate students work closely with the Center for Social Concern to plan and organize the entire event. We often work with non-profit organizations and community centers which already have lasting commitments to provide and care for the residents of Baltimore. This event strives to thank those organizations for their great work by putting our volunteers right there beside them.